Cloud of Witnesses Radio

The Problem with Non-Denominationalism Unpacking Jakob Wendestenism | Sola Scriptura | YBT017 CWP096

Cloud of Witnesses cast and crew Episode 96

We dive into the complexities of Sola Scriptura and its role in shaping modern Christianity through the lens of non-denominational pastor Jakob Wendesten. This episode interrogates the interpretative nature of faith and the resulting fragmentation.

• Exploration of Jakob Wendesten's beliefs and ministry
• Discussion on Sola Scriptura and its consequences on denomination proliferation
• Examination of personal interpretation and the absence of central authority in modern faith

Please keep me in your prayers, as I'll keep you in mine.


Faith has always been a labyrinth of complex beliefs, interpretations, and traditions. In our latest episode, we delve into the intricacies of Sola Scriptura, the idea that the Bible alone is the ultimate authority for Christian beliefs and practices. This episode features a compelling exploration of Jakob Wendesten, whose unique approach raises thought-provoking questions about faith, scripture, and the various interpretations that sprout from a seemingly singular source. Our discussion uncovers the tension present within modern Protestantism and how different views lead to a multitude of denominations, each claiming to reveal the purest interpretation of God's word.

The conversation begins with an introduction to Jakob Wendesten, a pastor who embodies the modern non-denominational movement. His followers resonate with his interpretations, but we challenge listeners to consider the deeper implications of his beliefs. The exploration of Wendesten's views reveals a broader issue at play — the fragmentation of faith that arises from individual interpretations of scripture. This brings us to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. While it aims to establish the Bible as the foundational text guiding Christian life, it inadvertently paves the way for thousands of denominations, each asserting their understanding as the most authentic.

As we unpack Wendesten's beliefs, we also confront the idea of final authority. What are the consequences when every pastor interprets the scripture through their lens? The episode emphasizes the reality that without a governing authority—like a bishop or a traditional church structure—individual leaders often steer congregations based on personal convictions. This lack of a centralized authority can lead to varying doctrines that may not align with traditional understandings of faith.

Listeners are prompted to reflect on their spiritual journeys, questioning what it means to belong to a faith community that values personal interpretation. The discussions highlight the tension between ancient traditions and contemporary beliefs and encourage deeper exploration into what one must sacrifice when choosing a path different from the Eastern Orthodox Church. As the episode unfolds, listeners are invited to consider their spiritual lives in light of these discussions, considering the broader implications of faith within a rapidly diversifying landscape.

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Speaker 1:

Jacob Wendestin? What faith are you? What are you? He's Orthodox. Look at that beard. Listen to the end of this video to find out what Jacob Wendestin actually is Lutheran. He doesn't believe in transubstantiation Plus. He believes in grace alone and faith alone. He's not Lutheran. He doesn't even believe in Sola Scriptura. Oh, yes, you do. Jacob Wendestin absolutely holds to Sola Scriptura. Whether he likes it or not, you have to be Orthodox. He loves the church fathers. He marries the Theotokos.

Speaker 1:

Jacob is a perfect example of exactly why there are thousands and thousands of different Protestant denominations all claiming to have the best interpretation of Scripture. Because, after all, jacob, that's what you believe, right? You believe that your particular views that you so entertainingly describe in this video, your unique, nuanced set of views, are the best interpretation of scripture according to you. He doesn't even believe in sola scriptura. That is the absolute consequence of sola scriptura. Because there's no final authority. Consequence of sola scriptura because there's no final authority, jacob, and you've said this many times in your lives there's no final authority. That's inerrant, except for, in your view, holy scripture, and what that ultimately means is holy scripture interpreted by you.

Speaker 1:

I pastor a non-denominational church, interpreted by you, Jacob, jacob. What is Jacob. After all, then Jacob Wendestin is an adherent to Jacob Wendestinism. That's the answer. So, jacob, I want to say I love you, brother. I've said this many times. I've heard it said recently that someone wouldn't ask for your prayers. I absolutely ask for your prayers and, as I've said before, I consider you a brother in Christ. However, I've also said before, and I've warned you I think it's a serious thing you are not under any actual authority. You're not under a bishop. You've separated yourself from the ancient traditional church.

Speaker 1:

I pastor a non-denominational church and it's a very tempting reality that you're living right now. I get it. As you've said before, you have a ministry, you're a pastor, things are good, you're well-read enough to where people do respect you in certain circles, and so you have influence. You have the ability to travel and spread the gospel, as you see it. But, my friend, I believe what you're spreading is Jacob Wendestinism. He believes in the communion of the saints. This is what's happening in every single non-denominational church around the world right now.

Speaker 1:

Whatever that particular pastor, his you know particular views, whatever those happen to be. That's what's taught in church. He believes in praying for the departed, yeah, but he doesn't believe in asking the saints to pray for us. So I would encourage you, brother, to look closely, not at the doctrines I understand you have your own idiosyncrasies in terms of why you believe certain things from Scripture, from the early fathers Rather, ask yourself what would you have to give up to become Eastern Orthodox? I think that's scary. I think you'd have to sacrifice a lot. I pastor a non-denominational church. You're gifted, you're talented and you could be an incredible advocate and voice for the body of Christ. I pastor a non-denominational church.

Speaker 1:

So, please, those of you listening right now, I know you're probably fans of Jacob Wendeston. I, in many ways, am a fan as well. His videos are great. He's a very likable and respectful guy. The other day he had a live where a priest was on. He let the priest talk for 10, 15, 20 minutes straight. I respect that. I admire that, jacob. God bless you. Brother, please keep me in your prayers, as I'll keep you in mine. It's right before Forgiveness Sunday in the Orthodox Church. So, my brother, I will ask you please forgive me for the sins I've committed against you, knowingly or unknowingly. God bless you.